
Welcome to Wells Chiropractic!

Dr. Tobijas Wells is known for being personable, approachable, and compassionate; he believes in a holistic approach to health and wellness that views the individual patient as a whole person as opposed to set of symptoms.

In our office we focus not only on pain relief but also on correction and stabilization of weak areas to help prevent future injuries and reduce the frequency of your problem.  Common reasons for visits to our office include low back and neck pain, headaches, sciatica, herniated discs, muscle fatigue or weakness as well as taut and tender muscle fibers.  We also offer nutritional counseling as a means to support your body and its systems. Dr. Wells gives thorough exams and performs x-rays on site to properly diagnose your problem and tailor a treatment plan just for you.

If you are new to our office and would like to reduce the time of your first appointment please print off and complete patient forms before your arrival.  If you have any questions please contact us at (309) 755-0323. Appointments are taken after 5 PM Monday through Friday upon request and on weekends for emergency situations. We are open one Saturday a month. Please call if you would like to be put on the schedule.